What is a Nomad?
It’s anything and everything you want it to be” – said Des
“Nomad – a member of a people having no permanent abode, and who travel from place to place to find fresh pasture for their livestock”
We’re not exactly taking any livestock with us – we are travelling place to place with our life on our backs looking for fresh pasture for ourselves.
First stop Housesitting for Buddy in San Francisco a ten day stopover en route to Mexico.
We are pleasantly surprised…Des and I will be comfortable here.
A lot is about what we tell ourselves.
“I’ll be comfortable”… “I’ll be okay”
“Don’t worry everything little thing’s gonna be alright” (Bob Marley’s Three Little Birds!) are some of my recent mantra’s to self.
Those little mantra’s were well and truly needed in our final days, closing down life as we knew it in New Zealand, the list was endless and exhausting.
Truly though – It was a great start in San Francisco, Buddy was full of licks and smooches for us.
We’re in a lovely house overlooking San Francisco Bay and the Golden Gate Bridge – we’re happy nomads so far.
Given the chance Buddy would have licked Des forever – he is such a cool dog.
For me the ‘nomadic life’ means location independence and freedom to be wherever, whenever I choose.
For me the ‘nomad life’ means means location independence and freedom to be wherever, whenever
It means finding new levels of tolerance, as I write this the traffic is zooming past my open door just 100 metres away, the noise, the fumes….
The Mexican music booms from the cars, but it’s ok, I am living my dream.
It means adapting to my surroundings and not complaining about what is.
In our village of Tlaquepaque, (pronounced Clucku – Paaki), I cannot seem to find paper tissues to buy anywhere, so we use toilet paper.
It means a new way of spending our money, we have been in Mexico for just 5 days and our total food cost including 3 meals out is less than $100 USD and the fridge is still full.
We’ve avoided a western type supermarket (of which there are plenty in Mexico) in favor of the local markets, no flashy billboards or temptations here.
The best place to buy food is where the locals shop.
It means relieving myself of random crap that serves no useful purpose.
An inexperienced nomad – I’m still carrying too much crap – I’m working on it, perhaps I need help from
It means that not everything will be fun and attractive, like when you have to put the used toilet paper in a wee bin beside the toilet.
That explains the highly perfumed toilet paper.
It is about knowing what my priorities and sacrifices are; hairdryer versus mac? Sorry hairdryer I have a love relationship with my computer – not so with my hairdryer nor my hair for that matter.
It will not always be convenient, there is no hot water in the kitchen sink.
It’s not like ‘home’, it’s hot, and there is only one opening window, no air conditioning, it’s dark, lights on during the day, the rent is $125 USD a week.
It’s ok, this is Mexico.
Drink, Dance and Sing at El Parian – famous for the Mariachi Music.
For me, travelling and starting a nomadic type lifestyle has been a priority for a long time. I’ve always wanted to see what I can live with or without – that’s the challenge.
God showed me a great plan for life..
I don’t mind ‘sacrificing’ things or other possible lifestyles. It doesn’t feel like sacrifice.
Because – to travel the world, live anywhere I please, are a priority for me and I know how much it will enrich my life.
For some this kind of life would entail big sacrifices and these sacrifices aren’t for everyone.
For me, so far so good.
Time will tell – we’re only one month in – but for now as my dear friend Talie, would say – Life is Good.
Life is Good and even better with friends from around the globe.
The nomad life begins the second you stop making excuses, start saving money and make real concrete plans.
It means aligning your life, your plans, your attitudes, your work and your financial situation.
Oh and getting the nod from the other significant person in your life, we’re in this together!
Thanks Des -xxx